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How to add keyframes in alight motion? Complete Guide for Beginners 2024

Learn how to add keyframes in Alight Motion with this easy-to-follow guide. Perfect for beginners looking to create smooth animations and effects. Keyframes are certain frames within your timeline where you set transformations. Keyframes are very important when it comes to moving an object, applying effects, or even creating a transition, using these instances, Alight Motion will know when and how you want the change to take place.

How to add keyframes in alight motion

Allow me to tell you keyframes are your buddies when it comes to making smooth animations or transitions in Alight Motion. But what are keyframes, and how to incorporate such features into the work in progress? Now, let’s go through an outline of the whole process to add keyframes in Alight Motion, thus helping you to maximize the utilization of this sophisticated tool.

Creating a New Project

Setting Up Your First Project

To create a new project, click the “+” button placed at the bottom of the touched mobile device screen. Next, you’ll be asked to select your project’s size and frame rate.

Selecting Size and Frame Rate

Deciding on the correct size greatly depends on where the information is to be posted. For instance, if you are uploading your video, and would like it to be posted on Instagram, then the best aspect ratio to consider is the square one. I recommend changing the frame rate depending on how smooth you want your animation to be; a higher frame rate such as 30 FPS is smoother.

Adding Media to Your Project

Importing Images or Videos or Even Text

To add another media, tap the plus sign again and select image, video, or text. All the media types that appear in such a timeline can be animated using the keyframes.

How Media Affects Keyframe Placement

The new media type will determine the location where you place the keyframes you want to use. For instance, keyframe animations from text illustrations will call for different modifications from those of video illustrations.

Introduction to Keyframes in Alight Motion

The Keyframe Button: Where to Find It

In Alight Motion, the keyframe button is simply a diamond shape which is located in the timeline section. Pressing this button will create a keyframe at the position of the timeline indicator.

Timeline Basics for Keyframe Animation

The timeline will be where these JDK calls will be occurring but effectively you will be working with keyframes. They are divided by layers for each aspect you include and the timeline is how long your animation is.

Adding Your First Keyframe

How to Add a Keyframe Step-by-Step

  • Make sure you identify the object or the media which you want to animate.
  • Position the play head to the time you wish the animation section to begin.
  • Press the button to insert an additional keyframe.
  • Shift the object (e.g., rotate it, translate it, etc.).Slide the timeline holder to the right part, and create another control point, which is the endpoint.
  • Repeat for other changes they want to make such as scale, rotate, and make the opacity less or more.

Adjusting the Position and Timing of Keyframes

When keyframes have been set, you can simply move them right and left along the timeline to change their position. You can also adjust the object within the keyframes in order to make more detailed animations.

Working with Keyframe Controls

Adjusting Scale, Position, and Rotation

For purposes of communication, it is crucial to understand that apart from moving an object, keyframes can be used in changing an object’s scale, position, or rotation. All you do is set the keyframes for each of these properties and adjust it over some time to the result that you wish to get.

Adding Effects to Keyframes

You have the ability to apply effects like blur, shadow, or color changes and apply animation along with keyframes. This enables layers that may be varied with a view of eliciting corresponding responses at different phases within the process of animation.

Using Easing for Smoother Animations

What is Easing?

Timing refers to how your animations accelerate and decelerate in-between the two keyframes giving it a smoother look.

Applying Easing to Keyframe Transitions

To apply easing, select a keyframe, go to the easing options, and choose a preset. This will make your animations feel more natural and polished.

Keyframes for Text Animation

Text Animation

Keyframes in Creating Text Effects

Trial effects such as glowing, or fading in and out can be done by applying keyframes on opacity or by applying more effects like shadows, outlines, and so on.

Keyframes to video clips

Keyframe Animation in Videos

Keyframes are also useful in animating video clips. For instance, zoom in on a specific part of the clip or create a smooth pan effect.

Transition Effects with Keyframes

Keyframes are also useful in making dissolving or sliding in of one video clip onto another one smoother. Set keyframes at the beginning and the end of the transition to do it properly and look like a professional.

Advanced Keyframe Techniques

Combining Multiple Keyframes

Instead of just one kind of keyframe at a time to be animated, you have different types. Besides using movement, scale, and rotation keyframes for more detailed animations.

Fine-tuning Animations with Graphs

In cases where you need to have even more detailed control over animations’ movements, turn to using Graph Mode.

Exporting Your Project

Exporting with Keyframe Animations

After you are satisfied with your animated work, you need to share it by clicking on the button share. One thing that you ought to double-check before exporting is whether your keyframes are placed correctly.

Choosing the Right Export Settings

For best results in exported video, select the right export presets for resolution and frame rate by the particular project.


For the most part, keyframes are defined as the fundamental building blocks of animation in Alight Motion. No matter if you’re working with text animations or video clips, image animations together with the ability to put in and manage keyframes will get your work to the next level. Try out your chosen keyframe techniques, and don’t forget to add them easing.

FAQs How to add keyframes in alight motion?

What is a distinction that exists between a keyframe and a normal frame?

A keyframe is where transformations take place and normal frames are exhibits of those changes happening.

How can one remove a keyframe on Alight Motion?

Click in the timeline any keyframe and then press delete to eliminate it from the presentation.

What should the export settings be when exporting keyframe animations?

It varies with the platform, but 1080p with 30 FPS is normally used for high-quality animation.

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