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How to add music to Alight Motion? Step-by-Step Guide

Discover how to add music to Alight Motion projects with this comprehensive step-by-step guide. Learn about file formats, syncing audio, and more! If you are just beginning your journey with Alight Motion and have decided to join the video editing process, you have likely posed the question: How can you enhance the project with music? For anything from a YouTube video background, social media content backing, or fitting effects to the beat correctly, the correct music selection is critical. In this guide, you’ll see how to copy music to Alight Motion and make your edits to your creations better.

How to add music to alight motion

Types of Music Files Supported by Alight Motion

Supported Formats

There are a few things to bear in mind about the process, and the first one is that Alight Motion works with several music formats including MP3, WAV, and AAC. There should be agreement on the format used which gives confidence that your music will import as required.

Tips for Choosing the Right Music

You should consider the goals of your video whenever you are choosing a song. Is it lively, business-like, or relaxing? This will improve motion pictures since synchronizing the music developed for the movie to the presentation needed will improve the overall experience. Concerning copyrights, it might be well to use music that does not have any rights of royalty as you intend to launch the video on the internet.

Step-by-Step Guide: Adding Music to Alight Motion

Step 1: Open Your Project in Alight Motion

Beginners should first launch the Alight Motion app and choose their project. In case you do not have a project yet, you can add a new one by clicking New Project +, and then you define the size of your video and other parameters.

Step 2: Import the Music File

After your project is opened, the music file will be imported next. Go to the “new” button and select “Audio”. Here you either choose a music file from your device or use a file from your media library. Make sure that the file is in one of the supported formats.

Step 3: Change the Beat of the Music

Following importation, the music will be shown in a new track layer on your work project area. This layer can be moved around in order to control the time that the music will be played. when your video is created, position it on your timeline to correlate with the relevant points you intend to pass across.

Step 4: Synchronize Music with Video

In order to achieve seamless performance, music may have to play the video and listen to the audio several times. Customize the position of the audio layer as you move it up or down so that it fits perfectly with important points in the visuals.

Step 5: Preview and Edit the Sound

Preview and Edit the Sound

Record with the music on in the background and review whether or not the project fits before proceeding onward forward.

Step 6: Export the Final Project

Once you’re satisfied with how the music and video elapse together, then you need to export your project. Click on the export button and select type and resolution.

How to Trim and Edit Music in Alight Motion

Using the Split Tool

Split tool is another way in which you can trim your music track. On the audio layer, go to the spot where you want to divide click on ‘Split’ then erase the unwanted object. This is beneficial if only your song is longer than the video because you can just add the rest of the lyrics at the end of your description.

Adjusting Audio Volume

By using this tutorial you can easily set or even change the volume of this particular music track where you want to set the audio layer first. Reduce the tempo if the music drowns the voices, or any other sounds, in your movie.

Syncing Music with Video Effects

Using Keyframes for Syncing

Keyframes are a feature on Alight Motion used to map out the beats in your music so you can synchronize your work. It all depends on the details where you want to put down the keyframes; they come when the beat drops, or when something big happens.

Adjusting Music Beats to Visuals

Music Beats in Alight Motion

I believe that when a person’s movements can be timed to the beats, the video is a lot more interesting. It’s worth trying to synchronize the cuts or the transitions to the beat to give everything that is going on a nice flow.

Adding Multiple Music Tracks

Layering Music for Complex Effects

Alight Motion also permits the users to include several audio tracks at a time. This means you can add one melody over another for the complexity of the piece, or add sound effects as well. Another audio layer is added and placed in any order you require.

How to Fade Between Tracks

Fade is used when one is to fade out existing tracks or clips for the next track or clip to be overlapped on the previous track or clip. Main operation: choose an audio clip, and tap on “Fade” to change the fade-in or fade-out time indicating the transition between the two tracks.

Common Problems When Adding Music to Alight Motion

Music File Not Importing

Another reason is frequency format so if your music file is not importing, then it is likely to be of the wrong format. About audio, Alight Motion accepts MP3, WAV, and AAC formats. Check that it is no way the file is damaged and when saving the file, make sure that it is properly saved in your device.

Syncing Issues

If you’re experiencing issues with your tunes not syncing, maybe lower the frame rate of the video or adjust the audio track. At this stage, there might be a lot of experimenting in an attempt to achieve the best possible outcomes.

Fixing Audio Quality Issues

Should your sound be distorted, there may be issues with the file quality you are using for the presentation. This is especially true when importing lower-quality files as converting the sound may be poor when exported. Maybe it is better to try to use a higher-quality audio file for that.

Tips for Creating Better Music-Video Syncs

Use of Beats and Rhythm

Select songs that include a definite beat since it makes the synchronization process less challenging. This way, you can trim the videos to appeal to the beat of the rhythms of the song in question.

Matching Music to Visual Transitions

It is also good practice to time some of the transitions towards the next scene in time with the music. No matter if it’s a slice or a realistic animation, it makes it better to sync it to the music, especially in this one.

How to Adjust Music Volume

Using Alight Motion’s Audio Tools

Alight Motion has many features that help with volume, pitch, and adding effects to any music you put in the program. These are important for placing your project in a higher emotional context.

Adding Filters to Music

It is possible to put on a variety of filters to your music for it to acquire a specific sound. Experiment with the various effects on offer to pick one that is right for your project.


Importing music to Alight Motion is one process that will give you great results for your videos. Whether you are adding music to animation, using it for a social media post, or even for a music clip— having the correct song can enhance your creation and make it look more polished. Using Alight Motion, you can easily import, edit, and sync music and use them to make your videos unique.

FAQs About How to add music to alight motion?

What type of file format are supported in the music aspect of Alight Motion?

Alight Motion acceptable codecs embrace MP3, WAS, and AAC.

How do I animate music to visualizations in Alight Motion?

When using them employ the keyframes and ensure that the effects are properly timed with certain beats in music.

Is it possible for I could put more than one music track in Alight Motion?

Yes, this is true, The foregoing demonstrations show that it is possible to add more than one musical layer to produce a richer sound.

How do I fade music in and out in Alight Motion?

Fade-in and fade-out settings can be changed by choosing the audio track and changing the fade-in, and fade-out controls.

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