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How to Split on Alight Motion? Step-by-Step Video Editing Guide 2024

If you follow videography, then you have an idea about the Alight Motion app. It is a great tool that can be used by both novices and experts, to achieve wonderful results in video projects. Among the basics that you should familiarize yourself with the splitting clips which is crucial in classifying and fining cutting operations. In this article, you will learn all about how to split on Alight Motion efficiently.

How to Split on Alight Motion

When editing you have better control of your video when you split it. For instance, suppose you would like to cut a part where there is no action taking place, or perhaps you would like to apply a variety of effects to various parts of the same frame. Splitting makes this process smooth and easy.

How to Split a Clip-on Alight Motion

Step-by-Step Guide

  • Import Your Video: To do this, first load your video piece into the timeline.
  • Select the Clip: Click the checkbox of the clip you want to split or simply tap the highlighted video clip. This will make it stand out and you will be able to modify it.
  • Position the Playhead: You can then drag the playhead – that is the vertical line above the timeline that signals your position within the clip – over to the point where you’d like to split the video.
  • Tap on the Split Button: Then using the playhead ensure that it’s positioned at the right point and tap on the “Split” button located in the toolbar. Doing this will ensure that your clip is cut into two sections.

Using the Timeline for Precision

The timeline in Alight Motion enables users to choose a frame where they want a split line using a playhead that helps to quickly find that frame. For the more refined movement, one needs to zoom in on the timeline with two fingers pinch.

Splitting Clips with Multiple Layers

Managing Layers in Alight Motion

If you are working on a video with multiple layers (text, effects, audio) you can double-click individual layers and decide to export just that layer without affecting the rest. Be careful when choosing which layer the split will be performed on. This is very helpful in cases where the boss may be working on many projects, all of them having their own components or parts.

Tips for Accurate Splitting

Zooming into the Timeline

In a case where you require an accurate cutting edge, passing to this more concentrated view will be preferable. Tap with one finger to zoom in on the frames so that they can view each frame carefully.

Using Frame-by-Frame Navigation
Using Frame-by-Frame Navigation

To be even more precise, Alight Motion provides a possibility to navigate through the frames and set the playhead to a desired frame to split.

How to Split Audio in Alight Motion

Most commonly, splitting audio is used to divide videos into different sections so that they can then be packed with sound when it is evident that some part of a video has unnecessary content that can be removed to make room for more voice-over or music, splitting audio comes in handy.

Whenever your project is connected to audio, it is also possible to divide the audio track as it is possible to divide a video clip. Choose the audio layer, move the mouse cursor, then click the split button. This is quite useful, for example, in removing some unwanted sounds or syncing the audio with something on the video.

Keeping Video and Audio in Sync

Specifically, if both video and audio are side by side, make sure that more than one layer is clicked to split so that all components dance in sync.

Advanced Splitting Techniques

Splitting for Transitions

They advise that in order to get a clear transition between clips, you need to split them first for better control over the procedure. When split, there is the ability to transition something like a fade or a cut between the two segments.

Splitting for Effects

You can also split clips if you want to execute the different effects to the different parts of the video. For instance, if you need some part of the picture: the first half of the clip to be turned into black and white, and the second half – back to color.

Troubleshooting Common Splitting Issues

Clip Not Splitting at the Right Point

If you are having a hard time making the clip separated in a desirable place you should zoom into the timeline or go frame-by-frame.

Fixing Audio Sync Issues

If your audio jumps out of sync when you split, you can move the position of the audio layer manually, or you can turn on auto sync on Alight Motion.


When it comes to working in Alight Motion, a basic but very beneficial approach is splitting clips. This holds particularly when working on simple projects, and more so when on the motion animation, splitting helps out. After reading this article, you’ll be able to edit clips using the split technique in no time at all.

FAQs About How to Split on Alight Motion?

Can I divide a clip more than once?

Yes, a clip can be split several times according to the users’ preferences and requirements. Just put the playhead at various locations and press the split button.

Does splitting diminish the quality of the original video?

No, they are not divided; dividing a clip is possible without any harm to the quality. It only splits the timeline for editing.

What is the process of cutting a clip without editing the sound?

Be careful when splitting, just choose the video layer and do not touch the audio layer.

Is it reversible if I feel that I have made the wrong split after a project save?

Yes, in the Alight Motion app, you can redo it even after saving changes, if you have not closed the project.

Can this mechanism be split in equal parts, so that it takes place on its own?

At the moment, this Alight Motion does not support an automatic split of the audio clip into equal parts, so the user himself has to determine where the playhead is located so that the split occurs.

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